Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, August 12, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things...

Picture Julie Andrews singing on the bed with the Von Trapp kids while reading this, please.

Here are some things that I particularly love about or during my pregnancy so far (in no particular order):

- Eggs
- Spicy foods (no big change there)
- Orange juice
- TONS of WATER (I have to carry it with me everywhere or else I die of thirst)
- Milk, cottage cheese, any cheese
- Having an excuse to go to bed at 8pm
- Shopping for new maternity clothes (got my first deliveries this week)
- Having enough energy to go to boot camp and work out 6 days a week
- Everyone expects you to have a belly, so no need to suck in...let it all hang out
- Boobs getting bigger every day
- So far, just my belly (and boobs) are growing and I can wear all my normal clothes (with rubber band extender for some pants/shorts)
I know that I am lucky for not feeling sick and having plenty of time to get to bed early. I hit 15 weeks yesterday so am looking forward to 25 more wonderful weeks.

1 comment:

  1. You are so freakin' cute!! You are so Julie Andrews singing with tons of kids...i can see this one day!! Hoping tomorrow we can find out if you have a little he or she Riggs! Call me as soon as you find out. Love you!
