Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

13 wk Ultrasound 7/29/2011

We had our 13 week ultrasound to test for Downs Syndrome. The baby does not have it, but the appointment was so cool and we got to spend 30 mins with the doctor watching the baby and trying to get it to turn the right way. The pics don't turn out great after being printed, scanned, and attached. In all pics you can see the profile and the head is at the bottom. The first arrow shows the spine. It was like a delicate line of pearls. The 2nd pic most clearly shows the profile of the face. Our baby is adorable already hehe. The last one is super cool. You can see the side view of butt, thigh, knee, calf, and foot. So amazing!

The baby was 12 cm which is almost 5 in and that is just butt to head (crown to rump is what they call it). We go back in 3 weeks (when baby is 16 weeks old) for our next ultrasound and will hopefully get to find out the sex. YAY!!

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