Matt sent me this picture - who wants to buy us our first baby gift??? Now whenever we get a good test result I tell Matt "Our baby is the shit."
I had my third blood test this morning and my hcg level is 3500. It is supposed to double every 2-3 days so we are right on track (up from 960 on Tuesday). Go Baby Riggs!!
Matt and I go in to see Dr. Lewis on Monday at 8am. I really hope that we will get to see something. I think it is still too early to hear a heartbeat (I think that is at 8 weeks), but seeing anything with our own eyes will really help to make this more real. Yes, we are still in shock.
5 week update
I still feel totally normal. I am working out (sorry, Mansi) just as I have been. I have scoured websites and asked every doctor and nurse. They all tell me to keep doing what I did before getting pregnant. I told them that I exercise 6 days a week with at least 3-4 really intense workouts. No worries, they tell me. So on to boot camp.
I am still more tired than usual. I could probably take a nap every day, but alas I have this work thing to go to 8 hours a day. I keep healthy snacks around and am starting to learn about all the things I am not supposed to cheese, deli meats, too much fish, caffeine...and all the things that I should...3 serving of dairy, spinach for folic acid, lean protein. It is just a lot of information and I am trying to play it as safe as possible.
I am going to make Matt take my first 'belly pic' tonight so that we can create a running log as Baby Riggs grows. I am ready to get out of the office and enjoy the weekend. Later!
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